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How can mLearning play a role in language learning?

According to a Google report in 2016, mobile-only users outnumbered desktop-only users. Mitek and Zogby Analytics back in 2014 reported that almost 90% of all Millennials have their smartphones with them 24x7, that meant they had their phones with them all the time. Since smartphones has also been shown in research to promote autonomous learning in ESL classrooms, this part of the website will focus on the use of mobile APPs for assisting language learning.


Scroll through these slides to see how different kinds of mLearning device and functions can assist with language learning.

Digital Flashcards


There are many APPs that helps ELL learners practice new vocabulary. These practices include listening exercises where learners can hear the correct pronunciation. They also have speaking functions where learners can check their own pronunciation. This function is great for those living in places that don't have access to an English-speaking teacher at school. 

What are some suggested language learning APPs?

Watch these videos on some suggestions of language learning APPs for adults. The demands for adults learning English are drastically different from the demands of children. Adults are generally more self-driven and they know what they need to learn. It's usually for a specific purpose of either taking an examination, or for traveling somewhere. 

Now watch these videos on some language learning APPs for children. You will notice the user experience design is very different from APPs for adults. Most children are learning English at the request of their parents, so there are a lot more animations, fun illustrations, and interactive games to keep children engaged in learning.

Activity #5

The following activity will require you to watch some videos, then answer the questions asked, or share some of your thoughts regarding using language learning APPs for children. The discussion is designed using Mentimeter, due to the limited characters, you may need to do multiple submissions. Rather than leaving your name, you may wish to use your initials.

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