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Mobile Learning

What is it?

Hover over the boxes to see the responses for the questions about mLearning.

When did mLearning come about?

When did mLearning come about?

Although mLearning is still new, with it become more mainstream around 2005, the idea was actually raised in the 1970s. Alan Kay conceived the idea of a tablet like device for learning.

Mobile Phone
Isn't mLearning just learning on the go?

Isn't mLearning just learning on the go?

mLearing can be learning on the go, but it can also be learning on your couch or learning in your backyard. mLearning is more about the device rather than where you are doing it.

Does "real" learning really happen with mLearning?

Does "real" learning really happen with mLearning?

Actually, mLearning is an excellent platform for Microlearning. Microlearning allows the learner to learn in short chunks, not overwhelming the learner. 

Teenage Boy on Mobile Phone
Is eLearning and mLearning basically the same thing?

Is eLearning and mLearning basically the same thing?

mLearning can be seen as a branch of eLearning. However, mLearning has several unique features, such as mobility and the different features within a device, such as augmented reality (AR). mLearning allows the user the versatility to learn whereever they can connect.

If it is on a mobile device, then does that mean mLearning is app based?

If it is on a mobile device, then does that mean mLearning is app based?

mLearning may be app based, as there have already been several developed. Although, mLearning can also be web based. By having a Learning Management System (LMS) that is web based then the learning is not confined to a device that only supports specific LMS apps.

Teenager on Laptop
What is next for mLearning?

What is next for mLearning?

This is the billion dollar question. COVID-19 has introduced several learners and industries to mLearning, so it will continue to grow. Also, such technologies as 5G, which will make mLearning faster and more accessible throughout the world.

mLearning: Numbers & Projections

As you look over the infographic, keep in mind that this if from 2017, just think about how much the world has changed since then.

Activity #2

Using the information from above and your own experience answer the questions below in the box that follows

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